Sunday, November 29, 2009
the edge of the sea.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
the fall.
A depth of blackness i have never know devours my sight.
The stench of sour milk and rotten eggs
Sulfer and burning flesh
Where am I?
Stagnate warmth of the most unsettling nature ex-fixates my every motion
I can feel my hands dragging through the thick odors that bite at my nostrils
I can even hear the stench filling every pour of my skin.
Its as if the air has never known life.
This is no wind I know
I stand but my head begins to spin.
I tumble backwards.
Falling ....
Falling ....
Through the particals of filth and wretchedness
Through the parched air
Through this lifeless void
I keep falling ...
Falling... Tears.
How have i ended up here?
When did i ever wish myself away to a vacuum of stench and filth?
All i know to do is cry, for the falling will not cease
And the smell will not disappear.
I swell full of tears and burst longing for my home.
I long for the twigs of trees and the buzz of bees
I long for the blooming flowers and the pictures painted in the clouds
I miss the gentle eyes of friends and strangers
I miss the soothing warmth of grass beneath my feet.
I miss the western breeze gently caressing my cheek.
Every tear brings forth a new sea of memory.
Every memory brings forth a new tide of tears.
And the falling never stops ...
Though the tears i see a flicker.
A glow.
An amorphous pool of light and water has sprung above me
It grows closer and closer with every fleeing moment.
A cold burst dances to my toes.
The gently moving water engulfs me and i am swimming.
I can taste the tingle of salt and emotion all over my body
I know these are my tears.
As i swim the light expands and grows.
The shores of my tears reach to the furthest corners of my sight
The warmth of a rainbow starts in my chest and fills me with joy.
I feel ground again.
I cry...
I watch the grass grow beneath my feet.
An apple tree grows at my side as i watch the sun rise and set a thousand wondrous ways.
I rest my back to a tree and see birds hearing every note of their song as they flutter to the branches nearest my heart.
A family of squirrels russles in leaves above me and knock an apple on my head.
I heard their giggles dance off in to infinity.
What a magnificent place.
Arms around my waist.
A familiar smiling face
His eyes telling me I am home again.
Back to the truth.
Back to the a love that could move mountains.
Back to where i belong.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
you give and take away.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
One more day of not
Loving Him the way He asks
In fact my heart is singing praises to the things
that make me feel alright
So I’m sinking fast like a stone heart should
And on the way down
I’ve done what I could
To try and try to turn this stone to flesh
I’m haunted by my God
Who has the right to ask me
What by the nature of my rebellion
I cannot give.
So I beg for you to move
I beg for you to move
I beg for you to break through
So here I am
Got my deeds for the day
All my cute little words about
How I am saved
Am I saved?
Could I love you with my mouth like a church kid should
At the end of the day
My words get burned as wood
Oh, but I was good.
I’m haunted by my God
Who has the right to ask me
What by the nature of my rebellion
I cannot give.
These songs are noise
In your ears
A clanging drum
You want my love"
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
another sleepless night.
The slamming of doors and shouting of voices.
My hands are shaky and my heart is racing.
But I can't rescue her.
Only You can. So please. I am begging you.
I won't sleep tonight.
Not until this stops.
Hold me please.
Monday, September 14, 2009
so good.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
and the healing begins.
Monday, July 20, 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
lost in romace.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
stacking bricks.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
rich in love.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
out of this world.
"I started thinking that I all i needed was love. I needed to be needed. I needed to be idolized. I needed to be that thing that a person stares at and wants more than anything in the world. I needed that rush of having someone hold you and tell me that i am pretty. I always thought love was, I don't know, this intangible, impossibly beautiful thing. Something along the lines of butterflies. But then I realized that there isn't anything like that in the world. "
funny. i look back on this person i was and remember this feeling of aloneness. the feeling of being so lost and incomplete. and not knowing where to begin. but i was right. there isn't any such thing like this love in the world. a love that makes you feel whole by just looking in each other's eyes, or a love that makes the pain end by holding each other. this love just doesn't exist in this world. but it does exist. with my Father. with my maker. with the one that gave me life. this love is greater than the love i want. the love he has for me can not only make me feel complete and beautiful, but it can move mountains and change the world. i am so grateful for this love. so grateful for the open arms of my Savior. so grateful for a love that is out of this world.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Dad knows the way home.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
not enough to ask for.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
letter of love.
Joshua 1:9