Wednesday, December 17, 2008


"He wanted us to enter into celebration of his lavish gift-giving by the hand of his beloved son."
Ephesians 1:3-6

A celebration. Its so hard to picture life as this sometimes. Full of gifts. Full of hope and love and beauty. The mess of family, and disappointments with friends, and the feeling of not being good enough often overshadow the party. I long to be able to see life as a celebration. To see the beauty you have surrounded me with. To feel the power of the gift of love and relationship. These are real gifts. The gifts that count. The only presents that will ever really matter. I ask that you help me remember this. Help me live in the moment free of agenda. Help me to serve you without a plan. Remind me of this gift of life, and all the hidden surprises inside it.


MaryMoore said...

I get exactly what you mean. This is my exact perspective. I love how similar we are. =)

- Its crazy how work crew friends are so much like family. Words will never explain.

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